This summer our son and daughter-in-law moved back here from Virginia. I will tell you their story another time. They are living with my daughter-in-law's parents until they find a house to purchase. Almost every Saturday night though they come over to our house for dinner. They bring their dog, Teagan, and we rent a movie. They stay over night. We have a great time.
Ah, dinner...what to do for dinner? My husband always offers to cook something, but he always gets outvoted, because the rest of us prefer take out! It isn't that he is a bad cook, but hey, I like trying different foods and take out is just so
The next issue is always the movie. Now my son and his wife go to the show quite a bit and rent movies every weekend and have for years. Let me tell you, they know their movies! On the other hand, we never go to the show and we rarely rent movies, so we don't know squat about movies and always let them pick. Trying to pick out movies every weekend that everyone will like is quite a task. My son and his wife like all kinds of movies. My husband likes shoot 'em up cop movies and every movie I watch needs to be highly entertaining and
I really need to go now. I have to get things ready for dinner. It takes a lot of time and effort to grab those plates out of the cabinet and the silverware out of the drawer. Join me tomorrow when I will talk about "Change" as in my favorite bakery in the entire world is closing tomorrow. Not sure how I will get by!