Well....Matt missed his flight! He was standing at the "Closed" Fron

tier Air Line ticket counter 25 minutes before his flight was going to take off. He could see his gate at the tiny airport and all of the happy people that were getting ready to board HIS plane, and no one would do anything to help him get his boarding pass and get on the plane...not people at the other ticket counters, not security...no one.

So, he watched everyone board his plane and fly off to Denver where he should have been going. To make a VERY long story short...he had to pay $370 to get on another flight to Denver and then on to Chicago. He missed the rehearsal dinner, but made it to the bar we went to afterwards. It was a long day for him and a very costly mistake for someone that works two jobs to p

ay his bills. He was so upset with himself. He isn't sure where rent money will be coming from this month, but he made it to the wedding and that's all that mattered at the time.
The wedding was awesome. Everything about it was fabulous. The ceremony, the facility, the flowers, the food, family, the music, the fun and the friends. We had a fantastic time, as did everyone else.
Tresa lo

oked lovely. The necklace I made her looked super....it did come apart twice during the reception...thank goodness it made it through the ceremony...and so much for the jeweler I had tighten everything up for me!
The guys all looked wonderful. The food was so good and the flowers just took your breath away. The Drake Hotel was great. We had a wonderful view of the Louis Vuitton and Gucci stores across the street! Bern, Michael and I managed to take a peek in a few of the stores...including Tiffany's. What fun!
I've posted some snapshots that were taken over the course of the weekend. I will have the professional ones in a week or so. Get this, their photographer isn't a wedding photographer...he is a fash

ion photographer, but when people have their wedding at the facility which he owns, he will do their photography if they want at a great price and just gives them all of the photos on a CD to have printed as they choose! He had taken 200 pictures before the ceremony even started! I can't imagine how many he took over the course of the evening. He was such a great guy.
I am glad I am just writing and not having to talk because my voice is gone from all of the loud talking and loud singing!! I do feel like I was hit by a Semi though...and I don't drink. I think it was using all

of those muscles dancing that I wouldn't otherwise use!
Enjoy the pictures and I'll post more as I get them! You will notice a lot of pictures of Matt. We always try to get as many as we can when he is home since he is only here once or twice a year.
The photos are: Irv and Matt (2 non-tie wearing guys) trying desperately to tie those ties before the ceremony, a table in the entryway of the venue. The florist did an unreal job. Those are leaves wrapped around the tall candle holders....the seating for the ceremony, the bagpiper that greeted the arriv

ing guests outside...he also played during the processional, Tresa...with her eyes closed (ready to cry) and her dad, Chris and Tresa giving a thank you speech at the reception, the first dance as Mr. and Mrs., yours truly and Irv, Matt and Michael, Matt and Michael's wife Bernadette, Irv, me and my little sister Kay from South Carolina and Matt and Tresa.