Have I told you how much I LOVE this time of year?

I love Christmas music....well most of it. I prefer the classics and don't like most of the remakes and I loathe....yes loathe...the red shoe song.
I love how happy the teachers at school are as they count down the days to their much deserved break.
I love the lights.....not the decorations like the big blow up snow domes and cartoon characters...but I love the lights...especially the little white lights. I love the trees just filled with little white lights...it warms my heart.
I love planning our family get together on Christmas Day. The snacks, the dinner and the desserts. Mmmmmmm!
I love the aroma of cookies baking in the oven. I hate to bake, but this is the one time that the rewards outweigh the hassle....and my family loves cookies. I love making each person's favorite.
I love having our whole family together at Christmas. This is the one time all year that we are able to do that and it means so much to me.
I love hearing Matt get more excited to come home each time I talk to him. His excitement feeds my own until it's almost unbearable.
I love watching Sparky stick her nose in every shopping bag I bring in the house as she searches for her gifts. I honestly think she knows that Christmas means a new toy and a special treat. I love watching her open her own gifts on Christmas Day.
I love the Christmas tree in the evening with the lights shining brightly, and our little fake fireplace with it's warm glow.
I love giving gifts. I love trying to find things that people will truly enjoy and then seeing the happiness on their faces when they open the box.
I love annoying my kids as I carefully smooth crumpled wrapping paper and snatch up pretty ribbons and bows...because I know I will find a good use for them....maybe even to wrap their gifts next Christmas.
I love snow at Christmas. Fresh, fluffy, white and glittery snow as it falls from the sky and rests ever so peacefully on the rooftops and lawns and trees.
Have I told you how much I LOVE this time of year?