I know I will get a laptop because I hate being chained to my computer desk. I would love to be able to curl up in bed or on the couch and write my blog or answer e-mails or even list items for my etsy shop. I could even bring it to work and use it during lunch. Yes, I will get a laptop.
Ah, now the

I know Mac is all the rage right now, and I know they are really nice machines that rarely get viruses, however there are a couple of drawbacks for me. I need a large screen. I do not want to sit and squint at a 13 inch screen! I have a 15 inch now and it isn't really big enough for my old eyes. The cost of a large screen Mac is out of this world and I will never pay that for a computer.
The other thing is.....I talked to our tech guy at work. He said that a Mac would be nice for me because I use it for business and it is great for virus protection, but besides that...unless I would use it for all of it's graphic capabilities....he thought I would be just as happy with an HP or a Dell.
I went on the Dell and HP websites and sent him the link for an HP I liked, and sure e

So tell me....what kind of computer do you have? Do you like it....and if all of you say MAC I'm going to scream.