Irv is busy working on that old window so we can turn it into something really cool for our shop. I also found a place online that sells the chalkboard vinyl in a big roll. Now I don't have to buy it on e-bay. It came today. Yippee! Now I can make more chalkboards!
I put my SNOW letters in Four Dog Day already. I know it is only October, but they were done and it's cold and snowing somewhere, so why not? I like them.
I need new clothes really really bad. My fall/winter clothes were looking pretty crappy last year so when I pulled them out this year and took a look, I knew they had to GO! So, I logged into Ann Taylor Loft the other night and had some fun. Of course I ordered some cute little sweaters and today it was almost 80 outside....but I've lived here long enough to know that winter is just around the corner.
I went to the GAP on my way home from work the other day to get some khaki pants for this fall and they had 3 pairs of womens khakis. Are you kidding me? It's fall and it is the GAP! How could they NOT have KHAKI pants??? That's what they are known for!! The girl said they aren't sure what happened and that they had lots of black pants. Black pants? I want khaki!! So I bought the pair right off the mannequin!
I took Friday off. We have a really busy weekend planned. We are spending the day at Tresa and Chris's in the city on Saturday and then Sunday is the Chicago Marathon. We will be down there cheering on Matt. His knee is pretty bad right now, so he isn't sure what's going to happen, but he is going to give it one heck of a try. He has trained so hard for this. I hope he can run. I miss being a spectator. It will be fun yelling, "Run Matti run!" :)
I also got my hair cut yesterday....really short. I'm sure I'll have some pictures of it next time.
Well, I really have some work to get done so I have to close for now. I will be back after this wild and wonderful weekend with lots of pictures and stories to share. Have a great rest of the week. Chat with you soon.
Oh, I went for my mammogram today......I hope you are keeping up with yours.