Okay...so I want a weighted vest for when I walk. I have read that it is good if you have osteoporosis in your spine. I went online and looked at the one that everyone in the forums I follow were suggesting and the thing is $75 plus $11 shipping. Uh.....no thanks. Here is what it looks like. I want the one that looks like a work out top....not the one that looks like a winter vest. It's almost summer. I want to be able to wear it under a t-shirt or even just by itself if I'm on the treadmill.
I happen to have a bunch of those little flat weights like she is dropping into the little pocket. Do you think if I bought a top like this one.....
and sewed strong pockets along the front and back for the weights.....I could make my own??? I think I could. This is an expensive top, but if I look, I'm sure I can find one for under $30 that would work.
I even have a few old pullover type work out tops that might work and then it would cost me nothing. Hmmmmm......What do you think?
I happen to have a bunch of those little flat weights like she is dropping into the little pocket. Do you think if I bought a top like this one.....

I even have a few old pullover type work out tops that might work and then it would cost me nothing. Hmmmmm......What do you think?