I proudly replied that we bring our own bags to the grocery store. I added that I never think to bring one in though when we go to places like Menards or Target....and we really should.
Then he asked if I use the throw away cups when I get coffee or if I bring my own. Uh............he got me on that one. I never bring my own. I am lazy. I use the drive through and I don't get coffee, I get a latte, and I wasn't sure if they would do that with a specialty drink, and I really only get one now every couple of weeks. In other words I made lots of excuses.
He politely informed me that I probably still threw away 30 cups a year, and that he won't even get coffee "to go" unless he has a mug with him.
So today when I went to get a special Friday treat at Starbucks, I brought my mug.
You would have thought I asked her to do something really, really illegal. She quickly put her hand over the Starbucks logo on her apron and said....."This isn't a Starbucks cup". Uh, no it is not.....it's from The Coffee Cowboy in Telluride, Colorado.
"What are you going to do with the pictures?" I had already told her that, but I tried to reassure her......I told her I wouldn't put her apron or her face in the picture, and that I just wanted to show them to my son so I could prove I was using the mug he bought me.
My drink fit just fine and I did not throw a cup into the landfill today.....and I will not throw one in the landfill again. I really am trying to pay attention to how much unnecessary waste I create, but sometimes I just forget.
How many cups do you throw in the landfill each year?