I know that spending money right now isn't a very smart thing to do with the economy the way it is right now. We don't have a financial safety net to catch us if we fall...but each year I count on that trip. I count on it for time away, time with Irv, time with nature and time with Matt.
When our kids were little we rarely took vacations. We went to the Dells once or twice and were given a family trip to Disneyworld as a gift from Irv's employer at the time. Those were the only vacations we had back then. In more recent years, we have been to Colorado a couple of times and last year we went to Virginia to visit Michael and Bernadette.
I love packing up the car and getting in and just driving off. It's such an awesome feeling. I would definitely be one of those people that could hop in a car and drive around for months...wherever the road took

This year the road will take us back to Colorado, but this time to Telluride where we have never been. Telluride is a small town in the San Juan Mountains, surrounded by 13, 000 foot peaks.
I know a lot of people hate driving anywhere, but to me it is a wonderful part of the trip. I find it such a special time where Irv and I have hours (24 of them each way this trip) to just chat and plan and dream. I know Irv...the non-morning person, loves listening to me, the morning lover, chattering at 5:00 a.m.
The scenery is great for part of the trip and awful for part of it...I won't mention that big long state that starts with an N and ends with an A that is so flat and ho-hum where all you see are cattle...because I don't want to offend anyone. I'm sure it's a wonderful state. Most of northern Illinois isn't too pretty either. I just like the change of scene, no matter what it is.

I told Matt to find enough to keep us busy for 5 full days, and so far I know we will be kayaking down the beautiful San Miguel River that flows through town and visiting one of hot springs in the area, and I am sure we will be horseback riding in the mountains as well.
Ah.......vacation dreaming.