We went to cut down our tree this morning. We decided to take Wrigley and Maggie with us. This isn't Sparky's kind of activity, so we didn't feel bad leaving her behind. She was snuggled under her afghan on the couch when we left.
We have been cutting our tree at the same place since our kids were little. I love that they don't use insecticides on the trees and that it is a small family owned and run operation. We enjoy supporting them every year. They also donate a portion of the proceeds to the Environmental Defenders group.
They have hay wagons that take you out to the fields, and I wasn't sure how Wrigley would react. She's doesn't really like new things. I picked her up and put her on the wagon. I held her tight, not sure what she would do when we got going. Irv also had to lift Maggie up because she had no clue what we were doing. The tractor got going and the dogs seemed as happy as can be!
Here we are on the way out to find the "perfect" tree....

This tree farm suffered a huge loss during the drought years in the early 2000s and then the owner had a couple of knee replacements done and they weren't able to replant right away. Slowly they are getting new trees in and before you know it their fields will be full. I'm sure a lot of people have gone to other tree farms, but we are sticking it out and supporting them during these lean tree years.
We like short needled trees. I don't mind a Charlie Brown tree either. I just like the look and smell of a real tree. I don't want one that was cut back in October and sprayed to make it look more green. I am happy with what Mother Nature has created.
We found a great little tree.....and I can't wait to bring it in. They always look little out in the field and then we can barely get them through the front door! We'll probably set it up in a week or two.
Do you have a real tree or an artificial tree? Do you buy your tree on a lot or do you cut your own? When do you put your tree up? When do you take your tree down?
I'll post some pictures when we get ours up and decorated. I saw a cute tree in the window of a store and they tied all of their ornaments on with thin ribbon......it looked so darn cute that I'm going to give that a try!
We have been cutting our tree at the same place since our kids were little. I love that they don't use insecticides on the trees and that it is a small family owned and run operation. We enjoy supporting them every year. They also donate a portion of the proceeds to the Environmental Defenders group.
They have hay wagons that take you out to the fields, and I wasn't sure how Wrigley would react. She's doesn't really like new things. I picked her up and put her on the wagon. I held her tight, not sure what she would do when we got going. Irv also had to lift Maggie up because she had no clue what we were doing. The tractor got going and the dogs seemed as happy as can be!
Here we are on the way out to find the "perfect" tree....
We like short needled trees. I don't mind a Charlie Brown tree either. I just like the look and smell of a real tree. I don't want one that was cut back in October and sprayed to make it look more green. I am happy with what Mother Nature has created.
We found a great little tree.....and I can't wait to bring it in. They always look little out in the field and then we can barely get them through the front door! We'll probably set it up in a week or two.
Do you have a real tree or an artificial tree? Do you buy your tree on a lot or do you cut your own? When do you put your tree up? When do you take your tree down?
I'll post some pictures when we get ours up and decorated. I saw a cute tree in the window of a store and they tied all of their ornaments on with thin ribbon......it looked so darn cute that I'm going to give that a try!