Remember my terrible appointment with my Internist when she tried to scare me into taking the drugs for my Osteopenia? You can read about it
here. Well, when I saw my gyne....even though she wanted me to go on drugs for my bone loss, she respects my opinion and after telling me what she thought, she said she would of course support whatever I decided to do. She wrote me a script to have another bone scan since mine was a year old already. I was undecided as to whether I wanted to go because I really didn't do much to improve the situation, but I decided to go anyway. I wanted a starting point for the program I am now on to improve my bone health.
Well, I had the scan done on Monday. They always seem to mess up on who to send the report to since my gyne isn't affiliated with their I called there this morning and sure enough they just sent it to the doctor on record and not to the doctor that ordered it. The doctor of record happens to be the Internist that I am not going back to after the nightmare visit. I thought oh well.
This afternoon I get a call from the nurse at the Internist's office and here is what she said, "Dr. B..... got the results of your bone scan and the numbers do qualify you for medication. She wants you to make an appointment to come in so she can get you started on something."
This is the doctor that I just saw a couple of months ago. The one that pushed her drugs. The one that walked hunched over to show me what she guarantees I will look like in 10 years. The one that said no matter what I eat, no matter what supplements I take and no matter what exercises I do my bones will continue to get worse....she guaranteed it. This is the doctor that sent me out the door with a sample of Actonel an Osteoporosis drug and told me to try it and call her to fill the prescription.
I was flabbergasted! I told the nurse that I was just in recently and she gave me Actonel, which I have no intention of taking. I told her I already found another doctor and I will not be coming back. I told her that I didn't care for the way she handled things that day....that I don't like doctors using scare tactics....that she didn't listen to me or what I felt or what I wanted. She said okay and if I wanted my records...blah, blah, blah......
Okay......this is why I have so little faith in doctors. This doctor obviously did not pull my chart, had no idea who I was and really didn't care. All she did was look at the report and decided that this "patient" needed drugs. I was so disheartened yet again that I almost cried.
Then I got home and Irv and I were talking. The report wasn't a full report yet, but it did show the average of my bone scores. I am waiting for the disk with the full report so I can see where each bone is at. I just had to laugh because my average actually IMPROVED since last year. If she had pulled my record and actually looked at my previous scan, that nurse could have called and said, "Dr. B..... sees from your report that you've made some improvements in the past year. She wants to know what you have been doing so we can enter that in your file and she said to keep up the good work." Wouldn't that have been something? HAHA!
In all honesty, when I get the full report, my bad vertebra could be worse and others could be better, or it could just be that this test was done at a different facility on a different machine, that it seems to be improved, but I don't care.....the whole thing just ticked me off!
Never fear....I was only mad for a little while though and then I moved right on. I am more psyched now about my new diet, supplements and physical therapy than I was before. If my scan really did improve, even just a tad with the inconsistent exercise and walking I did......can you imagine what I might be able to do with the program I am on now? CHEE HOO!!!