Sunday, May 23, 2010

Silent Sunday....Bird Watching....City Third Floor Condo Style


Teresa Evangeline said...

I Love this! Great caption/title!

Cathryn said...

Perfect! Great caption!

DUTA said...

Great picture, perfect caption!
The two cats of different colour, watching the birds - that's a rare, fascinating

Lanyardlady said...

Cute! Nice way to spend a Sunday.

Sherry said...

Shhhhhhhh! :)

Ms Sparrow said...

A good perch, great view, fresh air--what a way to spend the day!

gayle said...

I miss my cat Fancie not being in the house!! So cute!!

Unknown said...

Boy, those cats weren't gonna miss a thing, were they? Cute pic!


Teresa said...

So cute! You know those cats just really want out to "watch" those birds a bit more closely.

woolies said...

My cats do the same thing. Tails twitching from time to time. We can't let our cats outside here, too many predators.

Lori P said...

TeeHeeHee. Adorable! I've seen more adorable cats today. Must be cat day. But I have to tell you that we came home from church earlier and my dog, Sophie, came walking across the room towards us with toilet paper attached to her paw! bwahahahaha. We both nearly died. Just a funny aside. Have a great week.

Angela said...

Aren't they cute? Such a great photo. I bet they had to sneak up on them to take it.

Mary Richmond said...

great shot ;-)

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