Thursday, June 10, 2010

An Unexpected Dinner Guest

When I pull into my driveway I get a nice clear view of one of our bird feeders. Normally as soon as I open my car door, the birds fly away.

Yesterday I pulled up and this is what I saw......

I usually keep my camera in my purse so I took it out and quickly tried to get a shot before he jumped back out of the feeder and ran away.....but he didn't run away. He just sat there looking at me. So I kept inching closer.....

He kept his little eyes on me and tried not to move a muscle or twitch a whisker.....

I got up right next to the feeder and kept snapping shots. He just sat there like he was posing for a magazine spread! When I got up right next to the feeder I started to fear that he might jump out right on me...but he didn't.

I took these pictures at 4:10 p.m. and at 4:45 p.m. little Mr. Chipmunk was STILL INSIDE THE BIRD FEEDER! Happy I could provide him with such a fine and filling meal!


DUTA said...

Lovely! " he was posing for a magazine.."

Mary Richmond said...

haha! i love chipmunks--they are so bold and cute and they make me smile when they sit up and scold me when i'm out walking. glad you got the pictures and shared them ;-)

LeelaBijou said...

Hahaha, how cute! :)

Anonymous said...

What a rascal!

Lanyardlady said...

By then he had probably gained half his body weight! Funny photo.

BlueRidge Boomer said...


Unknown said...

I guess he really liked your home cookin! lol! That silly little critter. He must have really been hungry to stay there that long.


Sherry said...

you know, he's really kind of cute!

PussDaddy said...

That was nice.


Teresa said...

how cute. i was beginning to wonder if he was stuck. i've never seen a chipmunk up close. we see lots of squirrels but never chipmunks.

Oklahoma Granny said...

I hope he was able to get out after his meal. He probably had a very full tummy - and cheeks!

Angela said...

A chipmunk! I had no idea what that was! I have never seen a chipmunk in my life! How cute!!!

Matty said...

My wife has bird feeders outside too. And the squirrels attack that food like there is no tomorrow. It's a daily occurrence here. I think we spend more money feeding the critters than we do for the birds.

Joanna Jenkins said...

He's still in side. Sheesh, he must be really hungry :-)

xo jj

Cathryn said...

I always ask--how can I chase them out of the bird feeder when they're hungry?!?!? Great story Kathy! Love how you were able to get closer!

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