Happy Holiday Weekend! Whatever your plans are for this weekend, I hope you have a wonderful time!
I told you a couple of days ago that I was going to reorganize my workshop this weekend. It really was a mess from the craft show preparations and the fact that we removed one of the tables. It doesn't usually look like that, and I couldn't stand it. It made me hyperventilate every time I walked in there this week. It has also been a catchall room for years and when I started using it for my crafts, I just moved stuff in and never moved anything out.

I got up this morning knowing what was on my agenda, and let me tell you, it was hard to drag my butt out of bed. That isn't like me at all, I'm the happy little morning person that everyone else hates. I bounce out of bed singing most mornings. Disgusting I know.

Well I got up, got dressed. I opened the door to my workshop and closed it again. I went and sat on the couch for a few minutes trying to find the courage to start. It took me a little while, but I soon ventured in....

Have you ever started a major project and about two hours into it you just want to sit down in the middle of the floor and cry because the room looks worse than when you started? That was me a couple hours into the job this morning. I knew looking at it that there was no way I was going to get it done today. I had pulled everything off the shelves and stuff out of drawers and even the closet. I knew what I wanted to do, but it was like I just kept moving things from one spot to another! UGH!

About that time, I snapped a couple pictures of the mess for my blog, and Irv came walking in with egg and cheese croissants from Dunkin' Donuts!! Woo hoo!! We sat on the deck and enjoyed our breakfast and a little chat. It's amazing how much energy and happiness that greasy, fattening puffy little pastry brought me. In no time I was able to head back into the workshop to continue the task at hand.
I am happy to report that six hours after venturing in here this morning...I AM DONE!!!!!!

I can't believe I finished, and the results are just awesome. See what you can do when you put your mind to it....or you realize you will not be able to access your workshop to create anything if you don't?

I have to tweak a couple of things like the little rolling cart...it has everything in the right drawers, but it needs some little bins to separate things and tidy it up a bit. I also need to clean out my file drawers since I never removed the 2008 stuff, and now we are halfway through 2009...it's getting a wee bit crowded in there...in fact I can't shove one more piece of paper in it!!

Irv already cleaned the kitchen and living room while I was cleaning in here....so now I need to go start on the bathroom and bedrooms. Have a wonderful, wonderful weekend everyone!
Good job. Your room looks great. That`s a lot of hard work!
You go, girl! What an awesome job.
Feels good doesn't it? Looks like my Thursday and your Saturday were just alike! I didn't want to get started either...but I am so glad I did! Only thing is, I have been too tired to create anything. Maybe next week.
Yep, I'm sitting in my beautifully clean workshop...not creating. I'm tired and tomorrow I have to shop and finish cleaning the house.
Want to do some new pillows, but my brain is already done for the day.
I have tons of stuff to get listed, but need to take those nasty photos first! Maybe tomorrow.
Want to come organize me next??? At the moment I don't dare take before pictures:)
Congratulation!!! It looks fabulous. I have a project like that awaiting me too:( You have given me the inspiration to just get in there and DO it!
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