I'm sitting here taking a little break from a new apron I'm working on and eating the carrot cake from Outback that I didn't finish last night. I went to Hobby Lobby and picked up a new apron pattern so I have some different options to choose from. I think cutting them out is worse than making them! Could they make the tissue paper any thinner????
This is the apron that I finished yesterday. I really like the fabric and the pattern was nice to work with. I can't say the same thing about the new pattern. Grrrrr.....

I'm not sure how I am going to photograph my aprons for
MyOtherShop though. Some people model them and others use forms. I don't have either available to me, so I might have to wait for Bernadette to stop by after I get a few done, or go buy a form.

I also got my hair cut this morning....short! I told her that I wanted it short, but whatever she did with the sides...I needed to be able to get them behind my ears. I hate my hair hanging in my face when I'm working. Well.....it is short, but it comes no where close to being able to be put behind my ears. UGH!

By the time I got home from the salon, all of the hair on the top of my head was flipped up like lovely little "wings". It was not good. I flat ironed those out, so now I have straight sides and curly back. That isn't going to work. Don't feel like playing with it now, so we'll see what I can do with it tomorrow. I'm sure it will be fine....except now there is no long hair to hide all of my wrinkles and extra chins behind! HAHA!!
The apron is really cute. I like the hair as well...but you are like me...I want to be able to clip it or stick it behind my ears. I actually hate my new hair cut and I am thinking about going back to the long in the front short in the back one :(
Oh and I wanted to ask you if you took any credit cards at your craft fair and how that went...
Hate getting my hair cut. Seems it never turns out quite the way I want it. Of course, it would help if I knew the way I wanted it before I went to the shop! lol And I totally understand about the being able to pull it back part. Mine has to be long enough to pull a pony tail thru the back of my ballcap.
You look great! And cute apron :)
for patterns you are planning to use over and over, I think its worth the effort to transfer them to something more durable (maybe even cut out ripstop fabric and use that as the pattern).
I think the haircut is cut....you just need to go on Etsy and find a couple of cute clips for crafting! ; )
At least hair grows out...
I just realized, I'd never really seen your face before! Hello Kathy! I like your new do; the first few days are the worst, then it all comes together, you'll find your way around loose ends and errant wings and flips in no time.
As for the apron pattern-I am convinced that I am missing the "sewing lobe"-I can't get my head around any of it for the life of me, good luck!
Your new apron is really pretty..love the material you picked.
Sorry about the hair cut...I hate it when I get home and it looks nothing like I wanted...Nothing like coming home and having to fix someones elses mess..
You look beautiful!!!!
I love your new haircut. Perfect for summer. Take care ~Natalie
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