Saturday, March 6, 2010

Urgency, Planning and Success

Two people this week commented on how skinny I'm getting. When you are working hard at something and people recognize your's always a good feeling. I sat for a moment and wondered why I'm having success this time when I haven't in the past? How is it that I've been walking and working out since the first of the year...when normally I would have quit long ago? It didn't take long before the answer came to me. It was two parts....urgency and a plan.

For me to have success with anything, I need that sense of urgency. If I don't have that, I don't take what I am doing seriously. Previously, I just wanted to work out and get healthy because I should. This time I am in a race with my weakening bones and I want to win.

For me to have success with anything, I also need some kind of a plan. Previously, I would just work out a day here, maybe walk a day now and then...if I missed a day...oh well. I didn't have a plan. Now I have a plan. It's on paper...and I'm stickin' to it!

What I need to do now is bring that same sense of urgency to my etsy business, FourDogDay. That doesn't mean to be running around like a lunatic means that I need to know when I want to retire. I need to know how much extra money FourDogDay would need to be bringing in each month in order for that to happen. Then I will "see" the urgency and I will get serious.

I also need a plan to get me where I need to be at that time. I need it on I have something to follow...a plan I can stick to. I have had plans before but I lacked the urgency. If I don't have both parts, it just doesn't work for me.

For me...this doesn't only apply to my health and applies to anything I really want to accomplish. No urgency, no plan, no do. Take my basement for example. I swore I would get it dejunked before summer. There was no reason I had to have it done by then, I just wanted to. So, no real true urgency, no isn't getting done. Now if I wanted to put my house on the market this spring....THERE would be the urgency. You can be sure it would be getting done!

How are you with major things you want to accomplish? Do you need urgency? Do you need a written plan or are you disciplined enough to do it without? I would love to hear how you accomplish things either in your business or in your life....


Lanyardlady said...

I am most productive when I challenge myself and set goals/deadlines. I'm good at starting projects. My weakness is usually sticking to them.

Oklahoma Granny said...

I have to have a good reason to be doing what I'm doing - in a sense, an urgency to get something done.

Nancy/BLissed-Out Grandma said...

There is an endless supply of stuff I would LIKE to do, or even SHOULD do. Earlier in my life, I scheduled just about everything, and life was one task after another. But I've learned over time that we also need some time to kick back and relax...let our brains and bodies revitalize. So if something is a MUST, I write it down and set a due date. The rest I do as the spirit moves me.

Joanna Jenkins said...

Oh Kathy, we are so much alike!

First, congrats on your weight loss. Hope you're feeling better.

Second, I literally write a personal strategic plan for myself every year and refer to it often. If I don't time flies by too fast and nothing gets done.

Good luck with your plans. It sounds like you've got a great start on things.

Happy weekend.


Donna B. said...

Kathy, I find it so comforting in a way, that so many of us are all struggling with the same issues. I love that everyone jumps in with suggestions, like we all are at a big slumber party sitting around, brainstorming to help one another. That is so awesome!

Thank you for following my blog. We need voices like yours. Isn't it great there are so many women bloggers (and men too) forming such a Sacred Circle like we all are? I think it is so great!

Like you, I also need a plan. I suppose, honestly, I need a sense of urgency too. My end result is feeling I have accomplished something. For me, there is nothing worse than having a big long 'To Do' List, and feeling it is all piling up!! Like NOW! I am hoping this stupid bug leaves me soon...

Donna B. said...

One more thing. What is Etsy? A place to sell handmade things? I see it referenced on so many blogs. How does one get started and I would be interested in seeing what is there...

Mary Richmond said...

i'm terrible at this. i make plans, set goals and then i go do something more fun like take a walk, read a book, have coffee with a friend. i've been planning to clean my basement for....oh, about 10 years...and i do a little bit and then get overwhelmed.

i admire your stick with it-ness! and i feel inspired by your success so keep on truckin' as they say!!

Unknown said...

Hi Kathy,
Hey, congratulations on your success with working out. I think you hit the nail on the head with what you said about having success with it, or anything else. Having a plan and urgency to be successful at something. I really need a plan and to be determined to get the results I want at whatever I'm doing. It makes all the difference having that determination.


pilgrimchick said...

I think I take the same approach you do--a combination of planning and a sense of urgency. I think the only problem with that is maintaining the sense of urgency when urgency generally implies a burst rather than something sustaining.

Great job on the weight loss.

Bluebell said...

I always do better if there is a sense of urgency or challenge. I always love the sense of accomplishment when I complete a challenge but, unless it's a must do I fail dismally. One point in my favour is if I start something I finish it.
Well done you for changing your lifestyle and getting fit and healthy Big Hug Jillxx

jdavissquared said...

A sense of urgency certainly helps, but i think it depends on the task. A list is always a must though!

Anonymous said...

Most of my urging comes from the calendar. The boys' schedule and the weather dictate EVERYTHING I do anymore.

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