Tuesday, May 26, 2009

The Gift

I woke up this morning feel a little bummed. It's a work day. It was so nice having the three days off, and I long for retirement, but it's so far away. Then I remembered that I am trying to have a new attitude about life and about living and I quickly snapped out of it.

Life is a gift, each day is a gift, my job is a gift and I intend to treat them all with the respect that every gift we receive deserves. Old habits are hard to break, but reading Eckhart Tolle has taught me that I need to stop wishing my life away. I can't live each day wishing it were the weekend, because each weekend that passes puts me closer to the end of my life and why on earth would I want to wish for that?

The neat thing is that I am able to very quickly remind myself of those facts and the negative mood turns into such an uplifting and positive one...just like that! I have come a long way. It's such an awesome feeling.

So, now I need to finish getting ready to head to that job that truly is such a gift and I am going to have one heck of an awesome day! After work I am going to Joann's to buy a couple of patterns for some new things I'll be adding to MyOtherShop!

The pictures are some flowers from my yard. Have an fantastic day everyone because life is oh so good!


Sherry said...

Perfect post to start the day, Kathy. I have so many things to do, I forgot to just say thank you for the day, and breathe.

Cecile/DreamCreateRepeat said...

A lovely post and beautiful flowers. Your day will live up (or for some, down) to your expectations for it!

Lanyardlady said...

I can always count on you for some upbeat words. And the flowers are really beautiful. Thanks for sharing.

Angela said...

You are right. It is so easy to focus on the negative and not the positive.

Beth Anderson said...

Lovely photos - thanks for sharing, and reminding us to focus on the positive. I try to remind myself everyday. Be thankful you have a job to go to. It's ironic - when we're working we long for the vacations and days off and when we aren't working we are trying to get back to work!

My Inspired Reality said...

Yes, indeed Kathy, life is a splendid gift. I too sometimes forget, thank you for pointing me in the right direction:) I am also working on focusing my energies on achieving my dreams. No negative thoughts today:):)

aliceinparis said...

How terrific that you have learned how to turn around your mood.It is so true, all we have is today and everything is a gift. We cannot ever take it for granted.
Beautiful flowers.

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