I want to thank each and every one of you for all of the kind words and the encouragement this past week. I feel so lucky to have all of you as my friends. You are the best.
This was a huge week for me. With the Osteoporosis diagnosis, finding out it's Osteopenia, thinking I was going to have to take drugs I didn't want to take, having a wonderful book recommended to me by a super blog friend, learning about my disease, learning about treatment options, having a mini meltdown and getting started on some major lifestyle changes...it was one heck of a week! Whew!
Today I filled my fridge with all kinds of good things to eat. I went to the store with a list and knew what I was going to buy.

I will be making things like vegetable soup, fruit smoothies, ratatouille, roasted vegetables with tofu and salads.

I will be walking on my brand new treadmill too! Michael came over to help Irv get the treadmill downstairs. Those things are HUGE and there was no room for it upstairs in my tiny house. Maggie helped them as much as she could and before you know it....it was all together! Thanks Irv and Michael!

We don't have an awesome finished basement, so Irv said he is going to go downstairs tomorrow and fix up a nice spot for me to do my "walking". How sweet is that? He's already looking in the catalogs for seeds to see what other kinds of great veggies he can grow for me this summer!

The more I think about this whole week...the more I realize how very lucky I am to have found out about my bone loss now when I can still possibly make the changes I need to in order to live a long healthy life....with nice strong bones.
Thanks again everyone. You truly are amazing!
You're off on a new beginning! And those vegetables look yummy. They are delicious grilled with just a touch of olive oil, salt and pepper.
Good for you for seeing the blessings in this. That is the only way to continue to bless others with your attitude, information, humor, and individual gifts. =)
I think this is great! You are making a healthy change and it's so great you got a treadmill, too! (I can't do treadmills because I have benign positional vertigo and they make me dizzy.) Anyway, I just know all your blog friends will always be here for you when you need us!
P.S. If you ever want to meet for a smoothie, I'm really close! ;)
You must go to my blog this morning and read about my dream! LOL I have you on there too! Talk about an impression! So funny. You are on your way. Anxious to get my book. Those veggies look wonderful. I could easily be a vegan, 'cause I love them.
Hey, you're in the same boat I was a few years ago when I was told I have osteopenia. The exercise and diet change helped a lot. It'll be nice knowing someone else who eats rabbit food like me! ;-)
You are surrounded by blessings!
Well Kathy--we should be thanking you for being so open about this particular issue! One of us may be making lifestyle changes to help ourselves because you blogged about this.
We stopped at the store yesterday and I stocked up on "rabbit foods" because I was suddenly hungry for those things.
Keep us posted on your progress!
good luck and have fun, too!
You are making changes for you and helping all of us too!!! Thank you!!
I've fallen behind on posts, but wanted to tell you that my thoughts are with you as you turn over a new leaf.
I think you'll enjoy your treadmill, and what a wonderful supportive husband you have! Go Irv!
excellent steps...toward the positivity!
And you are certainly welcome for what i consider to be a friendship kindness :)
You sure are on the right track in responding to your disease. Healthy food and exercise. Irv is a gem.
no,YOU are awesome. Congrats on taking the initiative and doing what you know is the right thing for you.
You are going to be bursting with health ,vitality and stronger bones:)
Oh wow what an epic week indeed! I'm so glad you're totally getting on top of things and making taking care of yourself a top priority. Bravo, babe.
Irv is such a sweetie!
I am going to put a link to my butternut squash soup recipe this week for you. You will love it!
Your post makes me hungry.
I got a chuckle out of the brand name on your package of green peppers--Goodness Greeness.
Looks like you're off to a good start with your life changes. Those vegetables look wonderful.
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