As I sit here writing this on Monday evening, a major snow storm is barreling our way with anywhere from 6-12 inches of snow. If this were December or January I would be Chee Hooing all over the place....but this not December or January and there are no Chee Hoos coming from my lips.

November and February are my least favorite months. They are the "in betweeners". November is long and cold and I can't wait for the snow and the Holidays to arrive. February is cold and I am done with winter and ready for spring.
Irv had all of his seed catalogs laid out on the kitchen table this weekend. Birds were chirping in the morning on Sunday and flitting around when I walked the dogs that afternoon. I saw a pair of squirrels scampering up a tree. It just felt like spring was not too far off. Unfortunately, spring weather doesn't arrive here until March or April! Do you feel my pain?

Irv loves being outside. He doesn't come in the house from the first warm day until it's too cold to stay outside. He enjoys working in the yard and growing his garden. Last year with the bigger garden, he really had a hard time keeping up with everything, so I told him this year we would share the yardwork.

The past two summer have been all about etsy and
FourDogDay. I don't allow my business to run my life anymore...I make the decisions and I run my business. This summer I want to take part in the planting of the flowers again and the weeding and watering.

I am always into the yard and the flowers in the's so easy. Everything is so beautiful and fresh and new. I love spring...and then spring becomes summer and I always drop the ball. Watering takes sooooooo long and I hate the heat. I have to pile on the sunscreen, sunscreen clothes and a big hat so I don't get too much sun. I sweat and the bugs really bug me and I hate dirt under my finger nails and it's just so friggin' humid and.....
maybe that snow storm doesn't sound so bad after all!!
I know what you mean. In Atlanta we haven't had to deal with the snow. But I'm SO READY for spring.
I agree completely! I can't wait for flowers and longer days and soft breezes on warmer nights. We've had a particularly dreary, snowy winter down here and we're so DONE with it!
I think I need one of those sunlight lamps...the ones that bring natural sun, and shoo away winter blues!
Ok, next best thing, your blog!
I'm soooooooo ready to see my tulips, daffodils, and mini irises popping their shoots out of the ground! I can't wait. I want to do more gardening this year. I want to grow my own herbs again. And may be a few vegetables.
I'm ready for my tulips to bloom.
I feel your pain! The snow is so beautiful...but I'm ready to see the sun again! We have more snow falling today too, and freeeeeezing temps.
I can't wait to get outside in some warmer weather!
I'm trying so hard to stifle the itch to buy seeds...not yet...not yet...
no chee hooing in Phila. We are bracing for a 2nd pounding of more than 20 inches in 3 days. Blizzard conditions tomorrow with 18-24 inches of snow on top of the 28 we got Saturday. Keep your fingers crossed we don't lose power.
Love the pretty pictures - spring seems like MONTHS away!
You're torturing me with those pictures! I love summer and sunflowers. Snow is gone here, just freakin' cold!
I tried to leave a comment earlier while I was at work...guess it didn't work.
Anyway, even though we didn't get any snow...I can understand being tired of it...that is how I feel in the Summer here...mosquitoes and heat and humidity ugh. Hope it warms up for you.
I love the snow when I don't have to be driving in it!!
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