Saturday, April 10, 2010

What's the Hurry?

All week people long for the weekend. I love my weekends too. It's my time to do some of the things I don't have time to do during the week, and it's my time to do some of the things I enjoy doing. The problem with the "I can't wait until the weekend" way of thinking is that we tend to forget how awesome today is. We are in such a hurry to get to the weekend, that anything less than the weekend just isn't good enough.

I try not to do that any more. I do look forward to the weekend like everyone else, but I try to look at each and every day as a gift. Every day I find something to be grateful for. I try to make each day special and I always try to do something nice for myself.

So let's stop rushing through our lives...there are seven days in every week.....let's enjoy them all!


DUTA said...

" look at each and everyday as a gift" - I totally agree with this clever view of things. We should all try it.

Teresa Evangeline said...

Excellent! Very nice post. Lovely photo. Thanks for the reminder.

Unknown said...

Yep, you're right. Thanks for reminding us!

Have a great day!


Mary Richmond said...

one thing about being self employed is that every day is potentially a work day or a day off....and mostly i work a bit every day. fortunately i love what i do (mostly) so even days of long hours and lots of work are pretty enjoyable and satisfying...;-)

gayle said...

You are so right!! Thank you!! I am going to try to remember this!!

Matty said...

Another way of saying, "stop and smell the roses". The older I get, the more I appreciate things.

Ms Sparrow said...

A little bit of wisdom and a lovely hyacinth--now that's what I call a snazzy blog!

5 Kids With Disabilities said...

You are so right!!!!! I actually look forward to every day, (even Mondays!) I love my work during the week, and I love vegging out over the weekend.
Lindsey Petersern

Angela said...

I try. There are certain things I look forward to most days of the week.

It can be something as small as "my favorite tv night" but I try to find something to love about every day.

Those are my favorite flowers, BTW!

Bluebell said...

What a lovely way to look at things, I like you enjoy everyday and I feel priviledged to have this life where I never go hungry, my family is healthy and happy, my husband loves me and we have a nice home what more could anyone want?
Love Jillxx

Anonymous said...

You said it so well.

jdavissquared said...

agreed! i try not to wish the days away either. you just never know what tomorrow may bring, so you have to treasure today!

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