Thursday, August 13, 2009

But I Don't Want To!

I don't sleep as well as I did even six months ago. For me it has everything to do with what I am eating and my emotional state. Some nights my brain refuses to shut off and I can't fall asleep. Then I wake up in the middle of the night and my brain picks up right where it left off when I did finally fall asleep. I ask the voices to stop...but they don't listen. Chatter, chatter, chatter!

This morning I woke up right before the alarm went off like I usually do, and I lay there for a moment thinking....."Did I wake up during the night?" Hmmmm...don't think so. I didn't even remember falling asleep! Wow! That's awesome!

I was so happy and felt so content and peaceful that I didn't want to get up...getting up meant twenty minutes of pilates, a one mile walk/jog with the dog, making some kind of healthy lunch, a shower and heading to work.

I lay there for what seemed to be a minute, but was actually about ten. "Oh, I wish I was off today."

I dragged myself to my workshop, turned on the computer and started checking e-mails and my etsy shops...still not entirely awake, but knowing full well that if I didn't get going I would never get in my pilates or my walk.

Ah, was that it? Was my alter ego trying to sabotage my "Healthy Eating and Workout Plan" during week three? Week three is when I usually fizzle out.....

By now I was twenty minutes behind schedule. Refusing to fall prey to my lazy, junk food eating alter ego, I quickly threw on my work out clothes, grabbed my mat and headed to the living room. I did my pilates under the watchful and very annoying eye of the dog.....who obviously knew we were twenty minutes late for her walk.

Threw on a little jacket, my hat, grabbed two little doggie treats for the walk, a bag for poop (just in case), my keys, my phone and out the door we went. "Maybe we better only do 1/2 mile because it's so late!" I thought.

Walk, jog, walk, jog....1/2 mile done. Look at the time on my's late. Crap! No excuses...let's go! Jog, walk, jog, mile done!

Make my lunch...
Hit the shower...
Make up on...
Hair done....
Clothes on....

"Be good girls!" and out the door and off to work!

I didn't want to get up this morning...but I did.
I didn't want to exercise this morning...but I did.
I didn't want to walk a mile this morning...but I did.
I didn't want to go to work this morning...but I did.

All I can say is CHEE HOO! I am so proud of me....

I did want an extra Starbucks Chai Latte this morning...and I did...and it was oh so good!!


Angela said...

Chee Hoo! I am proud of you too! Pilates and a walk? I am very impressed. I am doing good with the eating and after a month of getting that under control I have started taking a small walk about every other day...I am building up to it.

I am kinda glad there is not a Starbucks here...even though I did linger on the aisle at the grocery that sells the bottled ones. I admired all of them and moved on.

Lanyardlady said...

Wow! You must be so proud of yourself! Resisting temptation not once but sveral times!

Jonara Blu Maui said...

Good for you! I was walking so much again and then it all stopped..I don't know what happened. This is definitely inspiring though and as soon as we stop having so much rain I'm gonna get out there and walk. Guess the rains no excuse for not doing my pilates though is it? okay..tomorrow! hehe!

I gave you a blog's here on my blog for you to pick up:

Oklahoma Granny said...

Way to go girl! I'm so proud of you for not giving into temptation. For the past few days I've been walking about 1 1/4 miles in the early a.m. (I've been working up to that far.) I so wanted to sleep in today but I dragged myself out of bed and not only walked the 1 1/4 mi but added just a tad more to it. I'm as proud of you today as I was of me.

Kathy said...

Way to go everybody! I am usually really good at making excuses as to why I can't work out or walk or why it's okay for me to eat junk...but no excuses this time! Baby steps is what I tell myself. I can't change everything all at once, but I can make small changes every week until I get to where I want to be. Keep it up!!

Michele said...

CHEEEEE HOO! What's that mean anyway? I'm not calling you a bad name, am I? Hmm. I digress.

Doing the right thing instead of the fun thing is not always easy. Doing the right thing and NEVER the wrong thing is the fastest way to get off track... so good for you for allowing yourself the Chai Latte!

Bluebell said...

It is so lovely to read that other people struggle to be good well done you, thats a lot to get done before you leave the house for work. I like you do not sleep well and I know this is because of what I eat, I do so want to get fit again and you have inspired me.

aliceinparis said...

You are an ispiration! Keep up the good work. I am sure you must be seeing the results of your efforts.!

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