I have a lot of things to get done right now, but I wanted to show you some of the things I have finished from my flea market finds. This wall hanging, was just a cheap find. It originally came from TJ Maxx, but I thought it was cute and Irv just loved it. I cleaned it all up and made it into this darling clock. I think it turned out pretty good.
I loved this plate. The edge is kind of a maroon with gold trim. It's hard to tell in this photo, but it's really pretty. These are also my favorite clock hands for this type of plate. I just love them!
This is a Coca Cola tray. They aren't real old, but I really liked it. They took photos from old calendars that Coke had put out in the early 1900's and did them on trays. I thought it made an unusual but fun clock. Sorry about the flash. UGH!
If you go to flea markets, you see a lot of these. I was told they are tin ceiling tiles that people have put on wood frames. Apparently they are pretty popular because I have seen them at a number of places. I love old looking things and really like this clock a lot. In fact, I would like to keep it....but I'm not.
Remember how I said I was working on a stacked china lamp? Here are some of the pieces I am playing around with just to get a feel for it. They aren't glued yet. I'm just trying to see how they all fit together. It will be a lot of work, but I think they will be fun if I can find enough tea pots and things for them. I hope to use old lamp parts as well and try not to buy anything new if I can help it.
Speaking of finding things....I never, ever, ever go to our local resale shop during the week. I never go to any resale shops during the week. That is a weekend thing for me. All day yesterday I had this nagging feeling that I needed to go to our local resale shop that day. Mind you, I rarely ever find anything at this particular shop. Well.....I did yesterday!! This is the box of "stuff" I left there with after work! Do you see that little set of china in there? I LOVE IT!
Look at the amazing tea pot!! Do you know what an awesome lamp these pieces are going to make? I am bouncing off the walls right now!!!
See the little sugar bowl? It will be turned upside down and used as the base I think. I may not be able to use the creamer because of the shape of the top, but oh my word am I excited!
I thought this guy was really cute too, and if I can find the right pieces...he will also make a cute lamp!

I think I am going to be really busy for the next couple of weeks. What I get done this week will go to the consignment shop on Saturday. Then the rest will go down when it's done. How about you....what is keeping you busy these days?
I think I am going to be really busy for the next couple of weeks. What I get done this week will go to the consignment shop on Saturday. Then the rest will go down when it's done. How about you....what is keeping you busy these days?
Oh, how fun! I love your clocks and my favorite is the one made from the tin ceiling tile. What a cool idea!! And then your find - it was waiting just for you! I love this creative energy I feel when I visit your blog - it spills over into my day! Have fun today! Love, Silke
These clocks are so amazing! My favorite is the Coca-Cola tray. I can just see it on my wall somewhere. And the china lamp has me really curious to see how it turns out. Fun, fun!
Gosh Kathy it did'nt take you long to get going with your finds I love the clocks they are really brilliant and I cannot wait to see the stacked china lamps they are going to look so special Hurry up and make one. I am working on an Heirloom quilt for Kate and Steve at the moment it is white with lots of embroidery and I will give it to them nearer to their wedding day I will label it so that it can be handed down through their family.
Love Jillxx
these are so much fun--i love them!
My son would love the Coca Cola clock. I'm very partial to the ceiling tile clock.
Last week was a busy one for me. This week is pretty busy as well. Today I'm baking a small "test" cake to help my nephew and his fiancee decide on how they want their wedding cake decorated.
wow love the fun clocks and the teacups into lamps I've never seen one but it sounds cool. Today for me it's laundry and drawing some sketches day =D
Kathy, these are great! I love feeling your enthusiasm for life! How nice it is to get those inner nudges and find that a wonderful surprise awaits when we listen. How fun! Love the coffee cup clock! You've perked me up :)
Kathy, This is your next tea cup/tea pot project...
So clever--I especially like the one made out of the plate.
I love flea markets and resale shops. I inherited a love of dishes from my mother that conintues to this day. The clocks are so neat! You have such a wealth of creativity.
I envy your artistry and vision. You take ordinary things and really turn them into works of art.
those are so cute! you are quite talented. i bet the tea pot lamp will be adorable!
i love going to sales like that and picking up little things that can be repurposed for other things.
Kathy, I love the way your clocks turned out! I really like the ceiling tile one!
I know that feeling about the thrift store though...(that is your inner junker speaking to you...LOL)
Can't wait to see everything else.
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